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[Disaster Report]Details of effect from Typhoon 26th, October, 2013 in Izu Island

Typhoon 26th (WIPHA)

Mainly affected area : Oshima-machi(Izu Oshima Island), Tokyo, Japan
The time of occurrence :  October 15th-16th, 2013
Damage : Mud slide in Izu Oshima late night October 16th due to the torrential rain from Typhoon 26th causing many causalities/death including unknown to locate.

Affect in Oshima-machi (Izu Oshima Island)
(Affect in People)
Death 36
Unknown 3人

(Affect on Buildings and Housings)
Agricultural affect 1,150 million JPY
Small and Medium firms and companies 2,240 million JPY

(Details of the disaster damages)

The most affected area Izu Oshima is a volcanic island; therefore the ground is made of solidified stream of lava and volcanic ashes. Due to the torrential rain caused by the Typhoon 26 the surface layer consisted of volcanic ashes washed off resulting in mass amount of sand slide and mudslide into the residential buildings and houses. This is the major cause of deaths and injuries as well as collapsed buildings. The most affected area is listed as center of island, Motomachi district, as well as Senzu district. The disaster rescue teams from various entities such as the Self-Defense Forces of Japan, Fire fighters and police officers with and without local boundaries have been involving in rescuing and recovering people; however the ground search has been terminated as of November 8th, 2013. Therefore rescuers such as the Self-defense Forces of Japan and Fire fighters have been terminated. It is implicated that the process will be moved on to the next phase of restoration of the communities from the searching and rescue of survivors.

How to support
(How to list for a volunteer or inquires)
Oshima-sha disaster volunteer center:
Tokyo disaster volunteer center:

(Monetary Donation)
Tokyo District:
Tokyo-to Oshima-machi: